Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Former Penn Avenue Tavern For Sale

The Penn Avenue Arts Initiative is accepting proposals from individuals or firms seeking to purchase 5106 Penn Avenue, the former Paps N’ Us tavern. Sealed proposals (six hard copies) must be received by Matthew Galluzzo no later than 5:00 PM October 17, 2008. If mailed, the proposal should be addressed to:

Attention: Matthew Galluzzo
Friendship Development Associates
5530 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Please visit www.pennavenuearts.org, www.bloomfield-garfield.org, www.friendship-pgh.org for more information about our organizations and to download a copy of the RFP. Please feel free to contact Matthew Galluzzo, Penn Avenue Arts District Manager, at 412-441-6147 x4 or matthew@friendship-pgh.org if you require any additional information.

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