Sunday, April 5, 2009

Penn Avenue Community Meeting

Time for a Penn Avenue infrastructure project update! If you attended the first public meeting in March 2008 (shown at left) - and you live, work, or use Penn Avenue between 34th Street in Lawrenceville and Negley Avenue in East Liberty - you won't want to miss this important meeting, coming up next Thursday evening:

April 16, 2009
Place: Saint Lawrence O’Toole Activity Building (corner of North Atlantic & Broad)
Time: 6:00 p.m. – Sign In/Refreshments; 6:30 p.m. – Presentation and Q&A; 7:30 p.m. – Group Breakout Stations / Discussions

The City of Pittsburgh, in cooperation with the PA Department ofTransportation, the Federal Highway Administration, and the Penn Avenue Corridor Phasing Plan Committee, will conduct a second public meeting for the Penn Avenue Corridor Phasing Plan Study. L. Robert Kimball & Associates is near completion in formulating a Corridor Phasing Plan to advise the City in programming and advancing transportation improvements along Penn Avenue.

The purpose of the meeting is threefold: 1) review the previous Public Meeting comments and community concerns; 2) discuss what has been completed since the last Public Meeting; and 3) detail the next steps and phases of the project including potential timelines.

The project is located on Penn Avenue in the City of Pittsburgh from 34th Street to Negley Avenue, approximately 2 miles in length. The project limits extend through the City of Pittsburgh neighborhoods of Lawrenceville, Bloomfield, Garfield, Friendship, and East Liberty. The scope of the study is to assess Penn Avenue transportation infrastructure needs and develop and implement a list of prioritized improvements for construction.

The project team will be present at the public meeting to discuss and provide a better understanding of the project needs and prioritized transportation improvements.

The meeting location is accessible to persons having disabilities. Anyone who needs additional information, has special needs, or requires special aids should contact:

Patrick Hassett, Assistant Director, City of Pittsburgh, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Transportation and Engineering at or 412-255-2883.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Just got the posting. You have Wednesday evening, April 16. April 16 is a thursday. Which night is the meeting?

Rachel Dingfelder said...

Correction - April 16th is a Thursday. :-)